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“I warmly recommend Soultime to you”
Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

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5 Stars from 5k+ Christians

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5 Stars from 5k+ Christians
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Soultime App
5 Stars from 5k+ Christians
“I warmly recommend Soultime to you” Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
“I have been using Soultime for about a year now and it has helped with my anxiety a ton! I love that you are able to track your mood and do checkups every once and a while to see where you are, with God, with people and with yourself.”
Analiese, USA
"Very, very good. After almost 3 weeks of trial version of 10 most popular meditation apps, I decided on Soultime. It has the best calm voice and pace, in comparison to other apps.”
Claudiu, Germany
“This is fantastic way to stop and refocus on Jesus each day. So helpful and encouraging.
Get the app! 🙂 ”
Chris, UK
“Finally the worlds of meditation and guided prayer come together. I’m not one to write reviews nor gush over a product/service but this genuinely has been my most used and impactful app to date.”
Lilly, USA
“I have been using Soultime for about a year now and it has helped with my anxiety a ton! I love that you are able to track your mood and do checkups every once and a while to see where you are, with God, with people and with yourself.”
Analiese, USA
“Finally the worlds of meditation and guided prayer come together. I’m not one to write reviews nor gush over a product/service but this genuinely has been my most used and impactful app to date.”
Lilly, USA
"Very, very good. After almost 3 weeks of trial version of 10 most popular meditation apps, I decided on Soultime. It has the best calm voice and pace, in comparison to other apps.”
Claudiu, Germany
“This is fantastic way to stop and refocus on Jesus each day. So helpful and encouraging.
Get the app! 🙂 ”
Chris, UK
“I warmly recommend Soultime to you”
Justin Welby,
Archbishop of Canterbury



Enjoy 200+ guided meditations on subjects like stress, anxiety, sleep and much more.

Understand yourself better

Our 10 minute questionnaire creates a detailed picture of how you work spiritually and emotionally. You’ll receive a in-depth personal report and a recommended course of meditations designed for specifically you.


We have 80+ music, scripture readings and sleep stories. Whether you’re looking for a better nights sleep or a way to mediate on your own we have lots for you to discover.

Soultime with friends

Imagine getting a call from a close friend when you’re having a bad day.
Soultime with Friends is designed to help us support each other. You can invite up to 3 friends, and we can detect when you could do with a call, through your mood checker.